The old Microsoft Office building inside the Microsoft Campus. This is where the Office 2000 suite and other versions have been developed. The newer versions (up to 2007 thus far) have been developed in a different building.
Microsoft Campus Courtyard With Fountain
Fountain being cleaned in one of the Microsoft courtyards.
Microsoft’s First Appearance In An Ad
This is the very first appearance of Microsoft in an advertisement, in May 1979.
Windows Automotive Hummer #2
Microsoft Automotive Business Unit driving a Hummer.
Inside the office of Bill Gates
A picture of Bill Gates inside his Microsoft Campus office in Redmond, Washington. Bill Gates uses three 19″ NEC LCDs all running on the same Windows XP desktop. He also uses Tablet PCs, that’s why there are no papers in his office, nor whiteboards.
How to retrieve the state of Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock keys
In order to know whether or not Caps Lock, Num Lock or Scroll Lock keys are on, we need to make use of the Win32 API through a call to an unmanaged function. Since we’ll make a call to an unmanaged function, the following using statement is in order: using System.Runtime.InteropServices;The following is the definition for the unmanaged […]
How to reset your MySQL root password under Windows
In case you forgot the root password for your MySQL database server running under Microsoft Windows, you can still access your database and even reset your password using the command prompt. However, first you should check your my.cnf file where your password is stored. If you are using a new version of MySQL Server, such […]
Understanding and Resolving ‘Exception Has Been Thrown by the Target of an Invocation’ in C#
If you’re a C# developer, chances are you might have come across this error message. It can be puzzling and sometimes frustrating. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you understand and solve it. In C#, exceptions are a way for the program to tell you that something unexpected happened. They are like warning signals. […]
Using showModalDialog() with an ASP.NET page that does PostBack opens another window
If you have an ASP.NET page (.aspx) opened with the JavaScript showModalDialog() function and inside that page there is a form doing PostBack, when the PostBack is being done the page loads in another (popup) window. The easiest way to prevent this is to add the following tag inside the <HEAD></HEAD> tags of the ASP.NET page: <base target=”_self”>
How to check if a number is odd or even?
Advertisement More C# Resources The best way to see if a given number is odd or even is to use the modulus operator (%). The modulus operator returns the remainder when dividing two numbers. So if you do a modulus of 6 % 2 you get 0 because 6 divided by 2 doesn’t have a […]