This tutorial covers the basics of using function templates in C++. It shows you how to create them and explains how they work.
There are two main ways of defining constants in C++, and we’ll review and compare both of them, seing their advantages and disadvantages.
Utilizing guide layers
This is a tutorial on how to use guide layers in Macromedia Flash, because good flash presentations must consist of a balance of actionscript and timeline effects.
Get screen cursor coordinates
Learn how to retrieve the mouse cursor coordinates not just inside the form, but also when the cursor is located outside of the form, such as on the desktop or when a different application has the focus. We use the GetCursorPos() function from the Windows API. Form-wide coordinates versus screen coordinates Using .NET Framework 1.1 […]
Introducing Structs
A tutorial for beginners, offerring a look into C++ structures. How structures can be defined, created, accessed and what is their actual use. Includes example code.
Binding a DataGrid to an XML file
This tutorial will show you how to bind a DataGrid to a simple XML file so you can display the values as rows and the tags as columns.
PostBack to a different page
Tutorial on how you can PostBack from one page to another. By default in ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1 PostBack is done to the same page. We will see how we can get around this. Also, you will see how the PostBackUrl property in ASP.NET 2.0 makes this easier.
Creating an RSS feed reader in C#
This tutorial will show you how to create your own RSS reader using the XmlTextReader in .NET. You’ll learn how to read information about the RSS feed, retrieve its main content (the items) and output it in a ListView.
DriveStat: Listing drives and using pie charts
This tutorial shows you how to get a list of the volumes (drives) on the current system, using .NET 2.0. It also shows you how to make use of a 3D Pie Chart library and of the FillPie() method.
Converting from decimal to binary and back
This tutorial will show you how to convert from binary system (base 2) to decimal system (base 10) and back from decimal to binary. It provides a sample .NET 2.0 application which performs these conversions.