How to make a screen saver in C#, one very similar to the Windows XP screen saver. Tutorial and source code.
Using the DataList control
This tutorial covers the creation of a DataList control to retrieve records from a database. Also shows you how to make the DataList esthetic by changing its attributes.
ListBox and CheckedListBox
Here we’ll cover the aspects of C#’s list boxes and checked list boxes (ListBox and CheckedListBox controls).
Using MDI
Covers the creation of child forms at runtime inside a MDI form and other programming aspects, like building menus.
How to convert date to time and back
This tutorial show how to convert DATE to TIME and customize output
Using WebClient to download a file
How to use the WebClient class to download a file from the Web and save it to a local path on your computer.
Understanding Pointers
A quick guide to C pointers for people having trouble with the concepts involved.
Using OpenFileDialog to open files
Use the classic Windows dialog box to choose a file for opening, also tells you how to open multiple files.
How to get IP address of client
This tutorial shows how ASP can be used to retreive the IP address of the remote host by using the ServerVariable Object.
Asynchronous Ping using C#
In this C# tutorial we’re going to learn how to ping a host over a network or the Internet using C#. Furthermore the ping is going to be executed asynchronously so that our application doesn’t have to wait for the ping.