A short and easy tutorial on how to use iFrames. What Are iFrames? iFrames allow you to basically put a table on your site and within that table it will load another page. This is very useful if you are running an HTML site and you don’t feel like adding an affiliate button to like […]
Smart Pointers – Part 1
Programming tutorial for understanding “Smart Pointers”.
Zipping files using GZipStream
In this tutorial we’re going to use the new namespace of .NET 2.0, System.IO.Compression, which will give us access to the GZipStream class which will then allow us to compress and decompress ZIP files.
Starting a JavaScript
How do you tell the browser that a script is starting? Moreover, how does he know what kind of script is starting? What if the browser doesn’t support JavaScript?
Making a Context Menu
Shows you how to make a context menu (right click / shortcut menu) in C# using Visual C# .NET and how to attach it to a control. You can hardly find an application that doesn’t use any context menu. Adding a context menu to your application isn’t hard at all, thanks to Visual C# .NET. […]
Learning Clipboard Skills: Clipboard Copy and Paste with C#
Learn how to copy and paste text and images from and to the Windows clipboard using the Clipboard class in C# and .NET 2.0. You will also see how to clear the content of the clipboard.
Mouse coordinates
Getting the coordinates of the mouse with OnMouseMove and making something interesting with them.
An introduction in retrieving WMI in C#
This is a short introduction into retrieving WMI information using hard drive serial and model numbers as an example.
Basics of using DataGrid
This tutorial introduces you to the DataGrid control. It tells you about the BoundColumn and shows an example of how to use it.
Using the DateTime object
This tutorial shows you how to use the .NET object DateTime: how to get the current date and time, how to filter the output, check for leap years, find the number of days in a given month, add and subtract time to the current date and time.