How to retrieve some information using SQL on any table in a database on SQL-Server 2K.
I see a few questions on this, and it get asked how to do this way too often. So i’ve decided to put this out for everyone who is interested. If you have any questions then i’ll answer them in the comments area.
declare @tblName varchar(64)
select @tblName = 'SI_StockItem'
select isnull(drvd1.Colid,0) as IsPrimaryKey,
SN.Name as ColumnName, as DBType,
SN.Length as Length,
1-ST.allownulls as AllowNull,
isnull(SC.text,'') as DefaultValue,
isnull(ST.Collation,'') as Collation
from syscolumns SN
inner join dbo.sysobjects as TN
on SN.[id] = TN.[id]
inner join dbo.systypes AS ST
on ST.[xusertype] = SN.xtype
left join dbo.syscomments As SC
on sc.[Id] = SN.cDefault
left join (
select colId,
from dbo.sysindexkeys as SK
inner join sysindexes as SI
on SK.indid = SI.indID
inner join sysobjects as SO
on SI.[name] = SO.[name]
and = SO.parent_obj
where SO.xtype = 'PK'
) drvd1
on drvd1.colId =SN.colId
and = TN.[id]
select id
from sysobjects
where name=@tblName
order by SN.colid