Category: News

Accessibility Testing: Using AI to Create Inclusive Apps and Websites

In today’s digital landscape, the importance of creating inclusive and accessible apps and websites cannot be overstated. Accessibility is not merely a feature but a fundamental aspect of modern web development, ensuring that individuals of diverse abilities can navigate and interact with digital platforms seamlessly. However, achieving comprehensive accessibility compliance can be a complex and […]

Binding a Repeater control to a jagged array

Binding the Repeater in the code-behind is done just like with any other binding operation. Suppose we have a jagged array named myJagged (which we didn’t initialize with values in this example) and a Repeater named myRepeater: // Initialize the string arraystring[][] myJagged; // Remember to initialize the array with valuesmyRepeater.DataSource = GroupList;myRepeater.DataBind(); While binding the array to the repeater is done the […]

Use Debug.Assert to get Stack Trace information

Part of the System.Diagnostic namespace, Debug.Assert() is used to display the Call Strack Trace and it gives you three options – ‘Abort’, ‘Retry’ and ‘Ignore’. Basically when Debug.Assert() receives the boolean parameter false a dialog box pops up giving you details with Call Stack, and you can either end the program or continue.One example of where you can use Debug.Assert() is when checking if a […]

How do I get the values when submitting a form (either using GET or POST)?

This is a popular question among ASP.NET beginners, because this is done fairly different with .NET. While in PHP you would use $HTTP_POST_VARS[‘field1’] and $HTTP_GET_VARS[‘field1’] to get the value passed from a form (either using POST or GET method), in ASP.NET there is a big difference.First, if you pass the value using the GET method (passed as parameters in […]

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