The C# method uses the DateTime object to get the week number of a given date. The number returned is dependent on the culture of the target machine.
Speaking Computer in C#
This short tutorial will show you how to make your computer talk. This is very useful for error messages, other warnings or errors the user should be aware of.
Using C# Constructors
Makes you understand the purpose of constructors in C#, and shows you how to use them.
Check if string is numeric
This is a one-line C# method that checks whether a string is a numerical value or not, by having regex (regular expressions) match a decimal with or without a floating point.
Get Unix Time using C#
While interfacing with Unix applications, your C# application might need to use Unix time instead of the standard date/time format. Since the Unix time format is basically a count of the seconds passed since 1/1/1970, this can be easily done using the DateTime object.
Building menus with MainMenu
This tutorial covers the creation of menus using Visual Studio .NET and C#. Also it covers most of the properties of menus and menu items.
Draw Rounded Corner Rectangles Using C#
Use the GDI library objects to draw rectangles that have rounded rectangles of a specified radius. The secret is to use a series of lines and arcs to form the rectangle as desired.
Transparent forms (form opacity)
Covers how to change the opacity of a form (making a form transparent) and making only portions of the form transparent using TransparencyKey.
Using drag and drop operations
You’ll learn how to support drag and drop operations in an application – dragging and dropping files on a form or control, using key combinations, retrieving information about the dropped files…
File operations I/O
This tutorial will present you the basic file operations in C#, like creating a file, writing text to a file, opening / reading a file, retrieving file information, copying and moving a file and more…