Shows and explains you how to make an ASP .NET Web Service, an ASP .NET Web Application and how to consume the Web Service with the ASP .NET Web Application.
Using the URI Class
Shows you how to parse a URI using the URI class and how to form an absolute URI from a base URI and a relative URI.
Resize Image With Aspect Ratio
A C# method that resizes pictures and maintains their aspect ratio, optionally only if a maximum width is exceeded. The method works with both images that have a higher height than width and viceversa.
All about strings
How to compare two strings, reverse a string, search in a string and many other techniques, each with examples.
Using the Windows Registry
The most important things you need to do with the registry – creating, accessing editing and deleting SubKeys and values.
C# data types
Quickly covers C#’s data types by giving a few examples. Good for transition between C or C++ to C#.
Sending emails using C#
A sample code on how to send emails with .NET Framework 2.0 using C#. The code authenticates to a SMTP server and then sends an email to multiple recipients. It can easily be used in ASP.NET 2.0 websites.
Programming Windows dialogs
Programming a simple dialog box and explaining the code. Good for C# beginners that only did their work in the console.
Class methods
Teaches you the role of a method in a class, definining and using a method and method overloading.
Escape Unsafe XML Characters
Before introducing data into XML clients, be it within tags or attributes of tags, it’s important to escape all illegal XML characters that might break the validity of the XML. This can be easily done in C# using the Escape method.