Start Programming with Java, first sample code and some additional details
How can I insert a new line in a TextBox?
To insert a new line in a TextBox, first make sure you have the MultiLine property of the TextBox set to True. Then use \r\n (carriage return and new line), as in the following example:
How do I convert from decimal to hex and hex to decimal?
If for any reason you want to convert a decimal number to a hex value or vice versa here’s how it’s done in C#. In the above example we convert the decimal stored in the int variable named decValue and store it in a string variable named hexValue.Then we convert the hex value stored as […]
JavaScript identifiers
You will learn the meaning of identifiers and basic rules. It’s good to know before you start to learn variables.
Antialiasing / Smoothing
Learn how to apply antialiasing on shapes using GDI+. Uses SmoothingMode and PixelOffsetMode enumerations.
ADO.NET and Access database I
How to connect to an Access database from Visual C# .NET, retrieve data and display it using a DataGrid with ADO.NET, using a dataSet.
ADO.NET and Access database II
How to connect to an Access database from Visual C# .NET, retrieve data and display it in a listBox with ADO .NET, using a dataSet.
System.Web.HttpException: Maximum request length exceeded.
If you receive the ASP.NET error System.Web.HttpException: Maximum request length exceeded.” while trying to upload one or more files via HTTP, the cause is most likely a file uploading size limit that is set too low. The most accessible way to change this limit is through the web.config configuration file. Create this file if you […]
Getting input from keyboard
Getting the current pressed key on the keyboard, key combinations, key value and combining mouse clicks with key pressing.
Smart Pointers – Part II
In this part we implement a Garbage Collection with C++.